ORTRAT is a Spanish company pioneer at introducing new technologies.
ORTRAT has gathered a broad expertise, since its foundation in 1955, in the control and regulation fields with different scopes (semi-automatic refuelling system for two nuclear plants in Belgium, complex automation of hydraulic power plants, remote control of substations, full control management in train and road tunnels with ventilation and security systems, etc.). More than 130 tunnels around the world and hundreds of control and regulation systems confirm the technical capacity of ORTRAT.
Together with the broad experience in control and regulation systems, ORTRAT been a pioneer in the design and development of CO detection equipment. The first device approved in Spain by the Spanish Ministry of Energy was developed by ORTRAT.)
We have reached such degree of technological advance that our gas analyzer type modelo KMQ 212 CO ND owns the very first certification issued by the Spanish government to this kind of products.